Friday, December 27, 2013

Moving from Christmas decorations to deep into Winter Themes

The Christmas celebrations are over, the children and grand children are heading to their home, and it's snowing and cold outside.  The "Shine Banner" over the fireplace is out of date, and the "Fall Banner" that we had over the fireplace is also out of date.  I found some white burlap in the cutting room, and decided that "Winter" would be far more appropriate.

We developed some lithography in the "Rough Typewriter" font, and developed a couple snowflakes on Photoshop, pushed the Elna sewing machine into duty, and built a new banner for the fireplace.

The banner is available on our Etsy shop, if you want one for your fireplace also.

More Christmas decorations are coming down, and new decor items will be posted soon.

The "Shine Banner" which we utilized for Christmas is below:

 The new "Winter Banner" has replaced the Christmas theme.

Wednesday, December 25, 2013

Geese flying around our backyard

We had to stop decorating our home for a few moments to watch the geese fly around our backyard.

Tuesday, December 17, 2013

Getting Busy

Hubby and I are home, and have to get busy, since the children and grand children are coming over.

First (since it's 15 degrees outside), we had to take down the fall banner on the fireplace and give the fireplace some Holiday charm.

The other side of the fireplace could use the vintage sleigh that's been stored in the basement for the year.
And the pot rack needs some help also.  Off comes the pumpkin, and Holiday cheer is added.

We found some neat fabric at our local shop, and sewed a new table cloth, and put a simple center piece on the kitchen table.
A small side table decoration and small armoir upgrade.
We're getting there, but there is more work to do.

Happy Holidays to you and your family